I'm Alex.
I live in Fort Worth, Texas, with this beautiful woman who tolerates my fascination with tea.
Tea and I first fell in love when I moved to Fort Worth. I rented a room from a British woman who made my first cup of tea, PG Tips. From their it was a year or so of trial and error as I explored all the teas available at my store, Twinnings, Taylors of Harrogate and what not. Then I discovered Rishi-Tea's Travelogue covering their Fair Trade Certified project in Xishuanbanna, Yunnan, and it captured my imagination. Since then tea has been my doorway to other cultures, a way to learn about other places, people, languages, geography.
I work at Central Market as a Grocery Lead and local Tea Guy. This is my curse, to love tea, work with tea, and forced to sell Celestial Seasons and Bigelow and friggin Republic of Tea. I crave, yearn, for a customer to come in and ask me a legitimate tea question.
And that's me.
Aw! Someday if I ever go to Texas (excuse me while I laugh hysterically...okay, whew) I'll stalk you out in a non-creepy way and ask you a serious tea question.
I don't believe we've ever seen a picture of your wife before. She's very pretty indeed. Y'all make a very cute couple. :)
Two readers now, thanks to Mary's link. Nice pics, beautiful wife, and I will be looking forward to reading more on Japanese teas, as I haven't branched out into them as of yet (been planning too, but...well...so much tea, so little time). Although, I guess if I were drinking tea like you did the other night, there would be plenty of time...
Anyways, another reader for your tally. Nice to "meet" you. :-)
Are you dissing Celestial Seasoning? And Bigelow?
What is this? Another tea blog?
3 readers now (at least).
Make that 4 readers! YOU GO ALEX!! P.S. I haven't had time time to sample what you had sent me, but rest assure I will this weekend! Great job!
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